How To Win Your Whiplash Claim

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If you have been injured in an accident, you may be asking yourself if you can file a whiplash claim. The good news is that, yes, you can file a claim for whiplash. It may even be possible for you to receive compensation for your injuries. In this article, we will discuss what you need to know about filing a whiplash claim and how to win your case. You can also click here to read more about winning a whiplash claim.

Be Aware That Insurers May Try to Devalue Your Claim

When they do this, they will look at how much money they might lose if they were forced to pay out on your claim. They may also try to argue that it would cost them more money than your claim is worth for them to pay out. This means that they will try to put a low value on what your injury was worth.

Take Pictures of the Accident and Your Injuries

When you are in an accident, it can be hard to remember every detail. Taking pictures of the scene and your injuries can help you keep track of what happened. It also gives you proof that you were injured and need compensation for your injuries.

Keep Receipts for Medical Treatments, Lost Wages, and Other Expenses

Keeping receipts for your medical treatment, lost wages, and other expenses are crucial if you hope to win your whiplash claim. This is because the insurance company may try to deny your claim by arguing that you don't have enough evidence to prove that you sustained any suffering due to the accident.

Hire a Lawyer

Don't try to handle it yourself—you need an expert who can help you navigate the legal system and make sure that your rights are protected. Once you have a lawyer on your side, they will be able to represent you throughout the process of filing a claim and going through mediation or arbitration if necessary.

Don't Speak to an Insurance Company Without a Lawyer

When you've suffered an injury, and your insurance company is offering to settle, it's tempting just to sign whatever they put in front of you. The truth is, though, that you could be signing away your rights without even realizing it.

Do Not Share Details About Your Claim With Anyone Other Than Your Lawyer

You may find that people are sympathetic to your situation, but you should never speak about the specifics of your case with anyone other than a trusted legal professional. Even if you're sure you can trust someone, it's still best to avoid discussing the details of your claim. This is because anything you say could be used against you in court.

Always Tell the Truth to Your Lawyer

Your lawyer is your ally, and they're working on your behalf. They want to help you win your case and get the compensation you deserve. It's tempting to exaggerate the extent of your injuries or how much time has passed since the incident. However, doing so will just make it harder for them to secure a good settlement for you. They need accurate information in order to build their case, so make sure all of your answers are honest ones.

Key Takeaways

If you've been in a car accident and are feeling any symptoms of whiplash, it's important that you see a doctor and gather the appropriate documentation to support your claim. Once you have this information, contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you understand your legal options and protect your rights. Time is often of the essence in these cases, so don’t delay in getting the help you need.

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