Copper Oxychloride 50 Wp | PDF COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 50 WP - Twiga Chemical Industries Ltd

Copper Oxychloride 50% WP - Peptech Biosciences Ltd

WW_COC50WP_Copper Oxychloride 50 WP_EN Revision date: 14/06/2016 Version: 4.0 Replaces version :3.0 (25-05-2015) Page: 5 / 8 COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 50 WP Hazardous decomposition products: Copper oxychloride decomposes at temperatures above 200 ° C producing acid hydrochloric (HCL). Other hazardous decomposition products that may occur are Copper Oxychloride 50% WP Copper Oxychloride 50% WP is a broad spectrum fungicide. The presence of copper content makes it effective against various fungal pathogens. Effective in controlling the fungus resistant to other fungicides. Due to its fine particles, it sticks to the leaves and helps to restrict the growth of the fungus.


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Lotus Biotech - Offering Copper Oxychloride 50 Wp, Packaging Size: 1kg, Packaging Type: Box at Rs 580/kg in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. Read about company. Get contact details and address | ID: 15074659412

Copper oxychloride 50% wp - Manica Spa : Manica Spa

Copper oxychloride 50% wp Manica produces many Copper Oxycloride formulations for the control of numerous diseases in different crops. Dosage and directions for use For doses and uses, please refer to common practice and local regulations. Composition Copper Oxychloride 50% Cu Formulation wettable powder Pack sizes 1 kg 10 kg 25 kg Colour

Copper Oxychloride 50% WP - Green Vision Technical

SIGNORE'S Copper Oxychloride 50% WP is a copper based broad spectrum fungicide which controls the fungal as well as bacterial diseases by its contact action. It also effectively controls the fungus resistant to other fungicides. Due to its fine particles, it sticks to the leaves and helps to restrict the growth of the fungus. Request Full Details resources Links to an external site.

Copper OxyChloride 50 WP Fungicides - Krushikendracom

Copper oxychloride Phytotoxicity Non-phytotoxic at the recommended rates, except to carrots and potatoes under certain conditions. Russetting may occur with some varieties of apple. Copper oxychloride Available formulation Copper oxychloride 35%WP, 50% WP, 75%WP, 85%WP . Copper oxychloride Packaging details Customized 1G~25KG for solid.
COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 500 G/KG [CUPER 50% WP] Copper Oxychloride is a protectant fungicide/bactericide which prevents infection on plants. Its mode of action is by interfering with the enzyme system of spores and mycelium, a process which is usually irreversible. It forms a chemical barrier against fungal attack.

  • Copper oxychloride Model : 35%WP, 50%WP, 75%WP, 85%WP
  • Cuper 50% Wp - the Mauritius Co-operative Agricultural
  • Copper Oxychloride 50 Wp, Packaging Size: 1kg, Packaging


Copper Oxychloride - 50% WP

 COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 50% WP is a copper based broad spectrum fungicide which controls the fungal as well as bacterial diseases . It also effectively controls the fungus resistant to other fungicides. Due to its fine particles, it sticks to the leaves and helps to restrict the growth of the fungus. COPPER OXYCHLORIDE WATER DISPERSIBLE POWDER. PARKENS CUPRARIKH - 50 ( COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 50 % WP ) SPECIFICATION. COMPOSITION: Copper Oxychloride Tech : 85 % M / M. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS . PARAMETERS. OUR STANDARD. Identity test. Pass to test. Total copper content. 50.0 to 52.0 % m/m. Copper soluble in water. 5000 ppm max. Arsenic. 50 ppm max.

Copper Oxychloride 50% WP 1 Kg (Shamrock) - KISANeSTORE

 Technical Name: Copper Oxychloride 50% WP Substance group: Inorganic compound Product Type: Fungicide, Repellent Mode of action: Absorbed copper disrupts the enzyme systems of pathogens. Multi-site activity. 1 Kg Box Packing Desription: on bing Links to an external site.